We did it!
We made it through Holy Week 2015 without any contagious diseases, hospital visits, dying pets, or surgeries. Thanks be to God!
We went to the Easter Vigil this year on Saturday evening, which was so great in a lot of ways (see more on that further down), but the one thing I missed was getting Sunday morning photos of the kids in their Easter outfits. Of course, their Easter outfits this year were also a little less fancy than in years past because we knew we were going to the Vigil, but whatever. 🙂
Sunday morning brought early-rising Nathan and baskets.
Since we opted out of the whole Santa deal at Christmas, we also opted out of the Easter bunny, though we did put the baskets on the porch like we used to do when we were more bunny-centric. Sarah Kate, being twelve and in no hurry to get up since we’d already been to Mass the night before, slept in, leaving her brother to retrieve both baskets.
But, hey – candy is candy no matter whether you eat it alone or with your sister, so after a quick detour into her room to attempt to rouse her (eventually giving up and leaving the basket next to her sleeping self on the bed), he plopped down on the floor and checked out the goods.
The Reese’s Pieces in a carrot bag were the biggest hit.
The cotton candy? Not so much. I don’t think he realized it was food right away.
But he did trust us when we told him to eat it.
After the cotton candy (which I think he just thought was weird), he moved on to one of my favorites – Peeps. As you can see…not a fan of the Peeps, either (more for me!)
Nathan did an egg hunt with his classmates at preschool this week and apparently they used it as a counting activity; he had a bucket full of eggs, but a note in his folder indicated how many eggs each kid in his group found, which for him was five. I automatically blamed Down syndrome for his faulty egg hunting capability.
Until I saw him hunting eggs in our yard.
He was the only one hunting, so his propensity for opening Every. Single. Egg. Every. Time. slowed down the egg finding process considerably. We eventually managed to convince him that he could open them after they were all found.
Another impediment to swift egg hunting? Distractions.
Distractions of the young dog variety, of course. Sarah Kate stepped in to assist by carrying the basket out of Gabi-reach, and the pace picked up considerably after that.
I tried to get a decent photo of Nathan with his loot but Stella kept photo-bombing, so…
Once he got all the loot inside, he opened Every. Single. Egg. and dumped the loot out on the placemat in front of him before he ate anything. It was fun to watch his little face light with up with every new treat he found inside each egg.
But the best part of the Easter weekend wasn’t the candy, or the egg hunting, or the photo of the kids I took out back. The best part was the Easter Vigil Mass, where Sarah Kate, Nathan, and I sat on the front pew and watched with pride and joy as our Mr. Andi was received into the Catholic church. Thanks be to God!
Awesome Holy Week! I got a lot of candy and money this Easter, but the real gift is Christ’s death and resurrection.
How wonderful that you got to see Mr. Andi get confirmed or baptized. You are very brave to take Nathan to Easter Vigil. It is a very long mass. I am an altar server and served that mass and did the incense. Did Nathan do well?
Ha! Everyone told us he did well, LOL! What I think they meant is that he was quiet (which he was), but they weren’t wrestling him in the pew!
One of our friends did the incense at the Vigil this year, for the first time. He is a year older than Sarah Kate and their family and our family are friends.
Yeah Im 17 and it was my 1st time though it was my 3rd time serving that mass. It really smells and gets in your eyes, especially when the deacon forgets and you are stuck holding it for the entire gospel with the incense in it. 🙂
Welcome to Mr. Andi! Now I understand why he did the whole “Lenten” sacrifice…I did not realize what was happening. God Bless the family for supporting him!
That is so awesome !!!!!
Welsome to Mr. Andi!! What a wonderful gift to both him and your family! I just can’t get over how grown-up Nathan looks in these pictures. He’s definitely lost the “baby” face. Congratulations on a spectactular Holy Week!!!