Is your Christmas tree up yet? Ours isn’t. We’re waiting until Christmas Eve this year, and it may become a new family tradition. Once upon a time (not that long ago), Christmas trees didn’t go up until Christmas Eve. Mr. Andi and I were talking about this fact several days ago when we were discussing when to put the tree up (Full disclosure: I hate the tree and dread its arrival every year). We decided that we would wait, then keep it up until Epiphany, rather than our typical throw-it-up-at-the-beginning-of-Advent-then-get-it-out-as-soon-as-possible-after-the-gifts-are-opened routine that we usually do.
But you know what? I think I’m already liking this plan, and I’m actually (gulp) looking forward to putting it up. It’s a small thing, but it does it make it feel more like we’re anticipating the advent of Christmas (see what I did there?) rather than throwing up All The Things and missing the whole point.
As always, YMMV.
Nathan can spell two words: his name, and Auburn. What else does he need to know?
Sarah Kate’s first glee club performance is on Saturday morning at a “Cookies With Santa” local event. The club previously performed at a Veteran’s Day program at school, but she missed it because we were otherwise occupied. I anxiously await her stage debut.
Sarah Kate gets her new wheelchair on Tuesday, and I’m not sure if we’re supposed to be excited or not. I’ll be glad she has something that fits her (no more pool noodle and duct tape on the footplate!), but I’ll probably also be terrified something will happen to it. Custom wheelchairs are not cheap, nosirreebob…
It’s official: there will be no family Christmas card this year. Jen may have scorpions in Texas, but in the coastal climates we have … FIRE ANTS. Nathan got into a fire ant bed on Thursday after school and is a big mess of redness and blister-ish things right now. I do not have mad Photoshop skillz equal to the task of making them disappear. But seriously … there really won’t be a card, but I’d send out 1000s of cards if I could undo this fire ant damage. It’s brutal.
As I was finishing up these Snippets late on Thursday afternoon, Nathan was on the couch next to me in a Benadryl coma. I pulled him over into my lap, and it went downhill from there, so…
… that’s all, folks.
Have a Great Weekend!
This post was inspired by and is linked to Conversion Diary‘s 7 Quick Takes.
Oh, I’m so sorry about the fire ants! 🙁
I worry about my daughter’s custom orthotics all the time. The saving grace of both yours and hers is that they have to be in use all the time! That makes it easier to keep track of them, at least.
So true! I’ve never been worried about Sarah Kate losing her braces. The wheelchair isn’t likely to get lost, but damaged? Definitely.
Oh Bless! Those pesky fire ants… praying for Nathan. Smart boy knowing how to spell his name first and Auburn second! I love you posts and l look forward to reading the progress with Sarah Kate. ! You need to write a book. How’s your dad?
Ha! I hear that a lot. 😉