Sun-Beams is a collection of links to stories, articles, photos, or videos I have come across that I believe will inspire, inform, or encourage you, as well as my favorite photo posted on my other blog, Violet Film, from the past week.
Mother blogged about son with autism before throwing him off bridge – My heart mourns for this precious six year old boy who was lost, but my heart also breaks for his mother who clearly didn’t get the help she needed. Can we put to rest that falsehood that “God only gives special children to special parents” now?
Nine-Year-Old Boy Sees His ‘Bucket List’ Before Going Blind – It’s amazing what people can accomplish when the clock is ticking!
Asperger’s humour helps others identify – I need to check out the blogs mentioned in this piece. Have any of you read any of them?
U.K. Courts Grant Mother Right to End Her 12-Year-Old Disabled Daughter’s Life – Spoiler: It already happened a few months ago, and is just now coming out. I’ll hold my preachy diatribe, but there is one thing I want to say: People are not the same as pets. That analogy was used in this article, and I heard it with regard to the Maynard case, as well. If we don’t value people more than we value animals, our society is already lost.
Sarah Kate- I saw the Huffington Post article about you! Way to go! Congrats!