I defied every fiber of my being that was screaming DON’T DO IT and dragged myself to spin class. It was a spectacular failure because the instructor didn’t show up. I’m trying to psych myself up to go again.
I’m not sure how it happened, but I have been saddled with a house full of early risers. Nathan not only wakes up early, he goes to Sarah Kate’s room and brings the early-rising schnoodle with him to our bedroom. I should have known when we were up and at ‘em early on the first day of our honeymoon what the rest of my life was going to be like.
Mr. Andi has a long history of getting up early, even on vacation – he once famously showed up for breakfast (with me in tow) at an all-inclusive Jamaican resort before they started serving it. True story.
Seems like everyone is getting into the capsule wardrobe thing, so I guess I’ll join in. It’s actually not a new concept to me – back in my office job days, I did a very similar thing based on recommendations from an image consultant (brought in by my boss – it was fabulous!), though it wasn’t called a “capsule wardrobe.” It took a little time to implement all of the consultant’s suggestions, but she was spot on with Every. Single. One. For the first time in my life, my clothes, hair, and makeup did not feel like a giant hassle, and I actually began to enjoy shopping because I knew exactly what did and didn’t work for me.
Fast forward a decade-plus and I realize that it’s all fallen apart and I need some serious help, but at least now I know what to do (I actually kept all of the info and notes from the image consultant). This time will be a little different – business attire isn’t my thing anymore, as you an imagine – but I’m looking forward to it. Have you tried it?
I’m switching to a new email delivery service, MailChimp. It won’t affect most of you, but for those who currently subscribe to my blog via email, you will see a change starting Sunday. Please let me know if you don’t receive my emails or if anything about them seems wacky to you. Interested in subscribing by email so you never miss a post? Sign up here.
Have a great weekend!
This post was inspired by and is linked to Conversion Diary‘s 7 Quick Takes.
What is capsule wardrobe? Like Stitch Fix? I’ve heard good things about it! Always thought it would be cool to have a personal stylist!!!
No, it’s not a specific business – it’s a concept. There are a number of different variations, but basically the idea is to have a core set of essential clothing items that are mixed-and-matched to form the basis for a variety of outfits. Here are two (of many) approaches:
http://www.thetinytwig.com/2011/10/01/31-days-to-no-brainer-wardrobe-manifesto/ (this is actually the first post of a 31-day series)
Oh very cool!! 🙂 have a great weekend!
As if I couldn’t love you more than I already do…xoxoxoxox
I happened over here as I was reading some QT’s, and I saw that you are thinking about spin. I started going a year ago, and I was so intimidated the first day that I wanted to cry/run out of the room. There were so many people in there that clearly knew what they were doing, and then there’s me. I hadn’t been on a bike in years! I finally had to remind myself that I couldn’t do their workout, I could only do mine… Even if all that was was sitting on the bike and pedaling. I’m still at it over a year later, and I love it! Just be sure to use good form if you go.