As is our Halloween tradition, the kids dressed in coordinating costumes again this year. The original plan was for them to be Violet and Dash from The Incredibles, which would have been especially appropriate for the younger one (ahem), but we couldn’t find a Violet in Sarah Kate’s size and I wasn’t up for a DIY so we had to go with Plan B:
Superman and Wonder Woman.
Unbelievably, I didn’t get a single decent photo of both of them. The first shot I took was the only one that wasn’t good of Nathan, because he was looking at I don’t know what and appears to have no eyes and at least five chins.
All the rest of them were pretty good of him – varying expressions of jubilation and pure gusto – but none of them were good of Sarah Kate. She looked away, she bit her lip, she held her arm up in a “Heil Hitler”-type pose that was a little bit disturbing.
(I don’t know why it’s so hard for my eleven year old to look at the camera and hold a smile)
We started a little bit before dark (which I’m sure is a low-class faux pas) because we were already outside taking photos and Nathan had trick-or-treated at school earlier that day so he knew The Deal and was rarin’ to go. He raced into the first house faster than a speeding bullet…
(and yes, you read that right – INTO the first house)
At the next house, he decided to make himself at home on the porch swing. Devotees will recall that he did the same thing last year, but at a different house.
Between houses, he ran, and rolled on the ground, and tromped through flower beds, and peered in through windows, and more than a few times made himself at home by busting enthusiastically through the front door.
(I don’t have photos of that … I was chasing him at the time)
We are The Worst Halloween Parents Ever, because we hit our street and two houses on the corner of the intersection one street over and then headed for the house. Nathan didn’t know the difference, and Sarah Kate was happy to man the door handing out candy the rest of the night.
It was cold and rainy and HS football friday night and I don’t have but about 3 trick or treaters anyways, here. Thank you for sharing. I got a great chuckle and my afternoon suddenly looks brighter!!