Mr. Andi left for his annual Louisiana fishing trip earlier this week, which he takes every fall with his fave uncle – he leaves around 1:00 am so that he can have his boat in the water by 6:00 am. As he was finishing up packing, he told me he had spoken with Uncle Tim and that he had promised to meet him at the marina no later than 6:00 am with “engine block biscuits.”
Apparently, Uncle Tim brings a can of refrigerated biscuit dough in a cooler, stops about 30 minutes out from the marina, preps the biscuits in a pan, and sets them on the manifold of his pickup truck to bake during the remainder of the drive.
Not kidding.
But even more amazing is that Uncle Tim is apparently only one of many who have tried cooking on a car engine while on a road trip. I found an actual car engine recipe book on Amazon, available as both paperback and Kindle, called (get this) Manifold Destiny.
Sarah Kate takes the field for the first time tonight! At least I think she does. The middle school bands were invited to be part of the Mayberry high school football pre-game spirit tunnel and first half pep music. They’re going to sit with the high school band in the stands and everything. I plan to take photos but I’ll be wrangling Nathan by myself while Mr. Andi snacks on manifold treats, so I’m not sure how successful I’ll be. Stay tuned.
As promised, I’m sharing the video of Nathan seeing his fire truck bed in his room for the first time. He had seen it in the garage, but since it didn’t have a mattress, support slats, or steps in the garage, I don’t think he realized what it was going to be. The night we threw it all together we just pushed his toddler bed over to one side to make room, so at first he thinks we mean for him to sleep in his old bed. It doesn’t take long for him to catch on, though.
Sarah Kate got her new braces last week. The good news is that they do force her knees to straighten, as advertised. The bad news is that they don’t fit in the new Converse high tops I got her right before school started. The other news is that said Converse high tops are in the same size that I normally wear, so all is not lost.
The Miracle Marathon is over – at least the active part of it is. Sarah Kate has raised $764 – her team, $1521. She wasn’t able to walk a full mile every day (her walking pace right now is about 40:00/mile, and the challenge was to do 20 minutes of exercise per day, so you can do the math), but she was active, and now she’s working up to a mile fun run. There are still a few more days left to donate, so if you’d like to join her in helping to raise money for Children’s Miracle Network hospitals, click here.
I find this story hilarious. So this guy with a British accent gets a parrot, teaches it to speak, and the parrot disappears. Four years later, he shows back up but now he speaks Spanish. I particularly like the fact that the bird’s name is Nigel – classic British name that I would wager is rarely heard in Spanish-speaking circles.
Don’t forget to send me your “buddy” photos! A number of you have already shared a photo of your buddy with Down syndrome on my Facebook page – I’ll do a roundup of all of them here next Thursday for Down Syndrome Awareness Month. If you’d like to participate, share it on my Facebook page by noon ET next Wednesday, October 29 with your child’s name. No Facebook? Shoot me a message here and I’ll let you know where you can send your photo.
Have a great weekend!
This post was inspired by and is linked to Conversion Diary‘s 7 Quick Takes.
Oh my gosh — Nathan is TOO CUTE!!
That kid is too flipping cute! And I swear I hear his accent coming out when he cries “a bed!” What a charmer.
I miss sweet Nathan!! I loved hearing his little voice in the video. Thank you so much for sharing! Kudos to Mr. Andi’s carpentry skills.
He’s doing so great! Long way to go, of course, but he has really blossomed since school started – he had finally gotten to the point, I guess, where he felt that people would understand him, so he actually TALKS at school now!