I know, I know … I’m supposed to do the “odds and ends” types of posts on Fridays, but sometimes things just pop up and I realize I’ve gotta throw some stuff out there NOW, not on Friday. So without further ado…
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Miracle Marathon starts TODAY! Sarah Kate had hoped to be a little more comfortable on the bike by now so that she could do the whole thing using the bike, but alas … she’s not quite there yet. Her knee flexion is just barely enough to ride, so she hasn’t made a lot of progress on that front, though she is technically able to ride again.
But never fear! She has a plan! We talked about it on Monday and she’s decided to start out with a plan reminiscent of Couch-to-5K, but instead of alternating running and walking, she’ll alternate walking and wheeling. 🙂 We’re bringing her wheelchair home from school this afternoon. She’ll start out with that, working her way up to walking more and wheeling less, and mix in some bike days as often as she can.
I’m just proud of her for the attempt!
She’s super-excited because as of Monday night at dinnertime, she had already raised $498 (her goal was $500). She’s now thinking of raising her goal! It’s not too late to sign up if you want to join her team!
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I’ve been offered a fantastic opportunity to learn more (and share the info with you) about cord blood. We didn’t bank the cord blood of either of our kids – it just wasn’t on our radar, particularly with Sarah Kate because she came SO early – but I’m still interested in its potential use for treating people with cerebral palsy.
Stem cells from cord blood are already used to help cure, treat, and repair blood and immune systems, such as those damaged by radiation or chemotherapy, and are being studied for use in people with cerebral palsy, autism, and diabetes.
But in order to make the most of my opportunity, I need your help! What questions do you have about cord blood research? Email them to me or leave them in the comments!
I had a question – I didn’t bank Eli’s blood or my other son’s, but I wondered if research had looked into first cousins? I have been offered use of 3 first cousins if it is ever an option. What I found was maybe siblings but nothing on cousins. PS – Eli’s rhizotomy is Nov 3!
We were able to bank our 2nd daughters cord blood with the Duke cord blood bank. We were able to bank it with the intention that Tennyson (our 5 year old daughter with spastic quad CP) might be able to use it. My question is: When is a clinical trial going to open in the US that uses sibling cord blood?
So proud of Sarah-Kate.