So … my off-the-grid scrapbooking weekend didn’t turn out the way I hoped. My back seized up on me, which made sitting for long periods difficult, AND I got sick with some sort of respiratory bug. However … Auburn won and I got to listen to the game on my tiny speaker, so that was something.
Since I was away, Mr. Andi took the kids to our regular parish back home by himself. I missed lots of excitement, apparently. First, the man sitting next to Sarah Kate passed out cold during the readings. While Mr. Andi and a nurse sitting nearby tended to him, Nathan – who leaves no opportunities to engage in mischief unused – bolted for the choir loft. The pianist/director had to return him to Mr. Andi.
But that wasn’t the end of Sunday’s Mass excitement. When I’m there, Nathan follows Sarah Kate up in the communion line, and I follow behind him. He never bolts or causes trouble (except for that one time a few months ago when the extraordinary minister was a short lady who held the bowl with the hosts a little too close and he stuck both hands in and grabbed two handfuls of Jesus, but we extricated his hands from the bowl without causing a ruckus … my apologies if you were in line behind us), so Mr. Andi thought it’d be fine to let Nathan follow Sarah Kate up without me behind him.
Big mistake. HUGE.
Sometime after Sarah Kate turned left after receiving, Nathan took a hard right and made a beeline for the altar. When Mr. Andi spotted him, the altar servers were attempting to herd him from the area between the altar and tabernacle. Mr. Andi (a non-Catholic, remember) had to retrieve him, hanging his head in shame as he led Nathan back to the pew.
Remember when we thought drinking the holy water was bad? Good times, good times…
But his mischief didn’t ended with Sunday Mass. On Wednesday, he took great joy in bolting down the hallway toward the funeral of Mr. Clifton C. Whaley, who, as you could probably have guessed, was not my grandmother.
Sarah Kate is making fantastic progress on the clarinet – she has played the first three notes of “Three Blind Mice.” I have no doubt she’ll be first chair in a prestigious orchestra very soon.
Any ideas for leftover cupcakes? We did a great job estimating drinks for Sarah Kate’s party on Monday – pizza and cupcakes, not so much. We froze the extra pizza for after-school snacks, but we have a LOT of cupcakes left over.
So. Many. Cupcakes.
Sarah Kate has a seating appointment for her new wheelchair on Monday, which is ironic because she’s walking so much better now. But she still needs something for long distances (and long days…) and she’ll need it periodically for the foreseeable future, so it’s time to get a chair that she can propel. I’m interested in how this whole thing is going to go down, as she’s never done a “seating” before – in fact, the purple cane is the one and only mobility item we’ve ever purchased for her. Everything else – walkers, wheelchairs, canes, etc. – were loaners or hand-me-downs (and we keep on passing things along).
Have a great weekend!
This post was inspired by and is linked to Conversion Diary‘s 7 Quick Takes.
I’m sorry I giggled over Nathan’s misdeeds, but it was a much needed giggle. Thank you so much for sharing!!!
Freeze the cupcakes! We do that anyway… I make a batch of 24, we have 2 or 3, and freeze the rest for a quick treat. Take out when you sit down to dinner, and they are ready to eat by the end… or eat the frozen like my husband does!!!