Do you wanna have some broccoli? It doesn’t matter. You want to watch this video about it, at a minimum. The Christmas Jammies people have struck again, and they may tempt you to co-opt some other Frozen favorites.
So I finally read Pride and Prejudice… I liked it, but I didn’t love it. I thought the various characters were comical but the plot kind of dragged. Perhaps I should try another Jane Austen selection? Or maybe it’s because I’m neither English nor Victorian? Although I hear Charlotte Bronte wasn’t a fan, so…
I have finally faced the fact: I am old. Not OLD old, but too old to do things I used to do just a few years ago. I’ve mentioned TurboFire a few times before, and I still love it, but it’s just too much to do in combination with running, which I will not give up. So…I decided to try PiYo (and no, I am NOT a BeachBody coach, so no worries, and that link doesn’t do anything for me).
I’ve always hated yoga because it bored me to tears; PiYo is a pilates/yoga combo but it moves a lot quicker so (per the claims) it’s low impact, but also helps increase flexibility and strength. I’m two weeks in and so far so good – I don’t feel quite so beat up but I also feel like I’m really doing something.
Despite previous evidence to the contrary, it is possible for Nathan to have a complete and total wailing meltdown. I discovered this fact on Thursday morning when he was running down the sidewalk, tripped on his own feet, and face planted on the concrete.
Sarah Kate has been asking me for a Fitbit Flex. Now, I love my Fitbit and wear it all the time (I even have a small collection of different colored bands), and as I’m writing these Snippets on Thursday night, I’m acutely aware that I am a few hundred steps short of 10,000 for the day.
But given that she’s only walking short distances with a cane (or canes) right now, is a Fitbit really something she would like? We are getting near the point of needing to provide occasional inducements to keep up the good work, but I’m just not sure a Fitbit is it.
We are considering buying an ice cream maker. I’m not really sure why other than Every. Family. Needs. An Ice Cream Maker. In. Summer. Suggestions? Please, nothing that requires rock salt. Also, if an ice cream maker is a bad idea, feel free to tell me so.
Our new family member has moved in…sort of. He figured out his food is at our house now, but since no one has moved into his old house yet, he still hangs out over there sometimes. His name is Simba Sonoma, but we have variously called him Napa Valley, Cat-Man-Do, and Dr. Sheldon Cooper – the latter because we interpreted his mewing as a declaration of “that’s not my spot” when we initially tried to migrate his food from his old yard to ours.
Have a great weekend!
This post was inspired by and is linked to Conversion Diary‘s 7 Quick Takes.
SK seems like a numbers person. She may be better off with the One though. While 10,000 is still the goal with the One it displays the numbers instead of lights, so she can visualize her gradual progression of increasing her number and be less concerned about lighting up all of the lights?
That’s a good point. I know you can adjust the goal on the Flex, but I need to confirm that changing the goal changes the lights, too. I’m afraid she might lose the One. I guess I could let her try mine for a few days?
We don’t have a fitbit, but we do know ice cream around here.
Yes, it involves rock salt, but it is lots of fun. It kept my 4 year old and friends’ 10 year olds busy for the 30 minutes it took to make ice cream. It would be a great motion-motivator for both kiddos.
We also have an attachment for my kitchenaid mixer that is a relatively easy-to-clean option, no rock salt involved. Did you know Ben and Jerry’s has a recipe book?
We have one of those! Sarah Kate got it for her birthday. It actually works surprisingly well. I’m kinda lazy, though, LOL!
I didn’t know about Ben and Jerry’s ice cream book when I posted this morning, but my neighbor saw the post and offered to let me borrow her ice cream maker. When I walked over to pick it up, she had that book. I’m pretty fired up about ice cream now. 🙂