That’s me channeling my inner Amy Winehouse, not Sarah Kate…
Seriously, people…this summer may do me in. We started the day with speech therapy for Nathan. I dropped him off, ran two super-quick errands, then went back to the house to load up Sarah Kate to drive over to Mobile for physical therapy.
Today was a relatively easy day, as it was her first time back with Cheryl, her regular PT. We stopped PT as soon as we scheduled surgery (even before we knew what the surgery was going to be) in order to save as many of our insurance-covered visits as we could, so we haven’t been there since February-ish.
Cheryl took measurements, checking her range of motion, and went through the same basic exercises we started after her visit to Birmingham last week, plus a few others. I brought a notebook and pen, prepped to take copious notes so I’d know everything I needed to know when we returned home.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch…
The sinister cowboy thwarted my plans. Everything old was new again, so Nathan spent the entire hour throwing a beach ball into the Little Tikes basketball goal (no, it wouldn’t fit), riding horsey, lining up a convoy of newly-discovered Matchbox cars, and begging me to pull the slide out for him.
Which, of course, I did.
As you may have suspected, I did not, in fact, return home with copious notes. 🙂
Overall, Cheryl seemed to think that Sarah Kate looks pretty good. She is able to stand for short periods of time, but we are holding off a bit on progressing to taking steps, and riding her bike has to wait a little longer because she isn’t yet cleared to bend her knee more than 90 degrees. Cheryl wants to have a pow-wow with Lisa before we go too crazy, but she did loan us a walker to bring home to use when the time comes.
As for Sarah Kate, she hates PT but she hates not being able to do stuff even more, so (at least for now) she’s motivated to work. She’s even having dreams about getting up out of the wheelchair and walking around the house.
All in all it was a productive day, and it was good to see our old friends again (though I didn’t much enjoy the drive over, as I’ve gotten used to staying closer to home most days). I’m not sure how Sarah Kate feels about the progress she’s making, but to me it feels incredibly slow, even though we can see changes already. I knew that would be the case going in, but in the moment it’s a tough pill to swallow. But I also know that six weeks with legs immobilized seemed like an eternity two months ago, yet we survived it and, looking back, it wasn’t really that bad.
Wonderful to see Sarah Kate upright again! Sending her my continued thoughts and prayers as she regains her mobility and surpasses what she had before.