It’s not the cold, it’s the humidity. Sarah Kate and I thought we might freeze in Minnesota – every time we left the hotel we looked like we were headed to the frozen tundra when everyone else was wearing jackets. But by the time Tuesday rolled around, we were over it. We didn’t even bother to take our coats when we left the airport to head to the Mall of America, much less wear them. I’m pretty sure we didn’t truly acclimate – we just figured out that dry cold isn’t as bad as damp cold (yeah, I know…that should be fairly obvious).
Nathan got into fire ants – AGAIN! – last weekend while we were gone. He doesn’t cry when they bite him so by the time we discover them he’s red and swollen and covered in bites. We have made progress, at least – this time he walked up to Mr. Andi, pointed to his feet, and said, “Look!” Mr. Andi tried hydrocortisone, Benadryl, baking soda baths, and then Neosporin once the blisters popped up. Anyone have a suggestion we haven’t tried? Nathan’s foot still looked so bad on Monday that Mr. Andi thought the preschool director was going to turn him in to DHR.
I was disappointed that I had to miss the first day of Tots soccer, but it ended up being a bust, anyway. The fire ants attacked on Friday afternoon and on Saturday morning Nathan was so sleepy from the Benadryl that he was less than enthused about running and kicking. We’ll try again tomorrow.
runDisney filmed Sarah Kate last night and will be filming some more today. Bob Hitchcock, PR manager for runDisney, tweeted about his trip to Mayberry at the state line. Kind of surreal… (I’ll do a post on the experience next week, FYI – it’s blog fodder, for sure!)
Bob Hitchcock was the man who found Chucky! Several years ago, during Hurricane Ivan, the 12-foot alligator at the Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo, “Chucky”, escaped. He was missing for five days when he was spotted by a news crew who was covering the aftermath. Bob was the guy who saw him.
I was reminded by my neighbors yesterday that there’s a store here in Mayberry that sells doll clothes that fit American Girl dolls. Oh, my. Things just got real.
I find the following statement hilarious: The 62nd Annual Arts and Craft Festival was canceled today when the Rest and Relaxation Tent blew away. That was what people watching the news in Mayberry this weekend heard.
Have a great weekend!
This post was inspired by and is linked to Conversion Diary‘s 7 Quick Takes.
Try Bach’s Rscue Cream for the fire ant bites. They usually sell it at health food stores. I can find it at our local Fresh Market store, so if you have a Whole Foods they might have it there. It takes the sting out pretty well and seems to reduce the blisters somewhat, but I do think they just take a long time to go down…