We finally saw snow in Mayberry! Unfortunately, it was in the form of paper shreds all over the carpeted floor in our den(ish) front room. Nathan dumped out the entire contents of the roughly 80% full paper shredder. Have you ever tried to vacuum paper shreds out of plush carpeting? Can’t be done.
But that’s not the only mischief from Snow Day, Part Three. Nathan tweeted that I was watching Storage Wars on A&E. I can only assume there’s something in the A&E iPad app that allows one to do this?
Back on January 25, he tweeted that I was watching Shipping Wars, which I’d never even heard of before. In a bitter twist of irony, THAT ONE was retweeted by one person and favorited by another.
Roblox must die. It’s the place where kids go when their parents permanently ban Minecraft. Sarah Kate completely burned through my wireless mouse batteries building her creation: our house. She was inspired by the guy who is building the entire campus of Auburn University in Minecraft. School is back in session tomorrow – Hallelujah!
Moving along to something not Snow Day related…
Sarah Gordy is going to be on Call the Midwife! The episode will air on February 16 in the UK, and … I have no idea when here in the US. If you don’t know who she is, she’s the actress who played Lady Pamela Holland on (the new version of) Upstairs Downstairs. She also happens to have Down syndrome.
If you haven’t watched it already, you need to take two minutes to watch the video below (click here if it doesn’t work).
And yes, please, let’s hear more about how the typical children are better off without their special needs siblings.
Mandi Ehman introduced me to a concept I’d never known existed: medical needs sharing organizations. Have you ever heard of these? It’s like a co-op for insurance, sort of. It was fascinating to me – very communal in a world that often isn’t.
Ah, the ice cream truck. Delight of children, nemesis of mothers. Someone has finally taken a stand on the ice cream truck, and it’s Jen. Relish every word. If you’re one of the lucky ones who doesn’t have an ice cream truck frequenting your ‘hood (we have TWO…and they both play the same wretched song, as does the ice cream truck in one of Nathan’s iPad games in the category of transportation, but I digress…), you should be thankful Every. Day. for that grace.
Have a great weekend!
This post was inspired by and is linked to Conversion Diary‘s 7 Quick Takes.
Oh my goodness, that girl’s face when her brother starts crying. It’s adorable!
I know, right? She’s just taking it all in stride. That’s the only point in the video where he seemed like a kid to me – they both are so mature. Not in a bad way, know what I mean?