Returning to last week’s Snippet about the sleep study questionnaire, I want to point out a couple of other questions that made me scratch my head.
The last one in the block above question group #31 asking if he has difficulty getting up in morning:
No. No. No No No No No. He gets up every day, bright eyed and bushy tailed by 6:00 a.m.
And my personal fave, “How often has your child interfered with your ability to perform daily activities?”
He is three. He is a boy. Call me crazy, but I’m pretty sure it’s not a sleep issue.
You know that moment when you turn onto the “shortcut road” and see the railroad arms coming down indicating that a train is coming, and you start to groan and complain about your bad luck and then it dawns on you that your little boy has never seen a train before because there aren’t any railroad tracks anywhere near where you live so you turn around and get his attention and your heart melts when you see the look of amazement and delight when he realizes that there’s a REAL, BIG TRAIN going by.
That. Last Friday after the sleep study. Awesome.
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I won’t keep you in suspense – we got the results of the sleep study. Nathan still has sleep apnea. 🙁 The good(ish) news is the doctor doesn’t think C-PAP is warranted at this stage of the game. We got a prescription for Nasonex and he will go back for another sleep study next year. I’m putting Mr. Andi on notice that he gets to navigate the unique experience of parenting that is the sleep study in 2014.
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The doctor offered the options of a pill or a nasal spray, and I opted for a spray because Nathan takes medicine about as well as cats do (actually worse…). If you’ve ever pilled a cat you know what I’m talking about. I wasn’t sure how the spray was going to go, but I was pleasantly surprised. He gets this little look of surprise and wonder – almost like it tickles but he doesn’t laugh. I’m going to request nasal sprays for all medications going forward – surely some brilliant pharmacist can compound that for me, right?
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The episode of the Special Chronicles podcast featuring yours truly is scheduled to go up on Monday. Podman Dan tweeted on Thursday that he was in the processing of editing it, though, so I’m not sure about that schedule unless he’s a miracle worker. It might take awhile. I talked …um… a lot. In fact, you might want to go download all of the other podcast episodes and skip mine altogether, unless you’ve got an Andi Roast in mind, in which case I’m sure it’s cram-packed with material. There’s also a live stream scheduled but I’m going to make you work for that info – no need to accelerate my humiliation. 🙂
School starts Monday here in Mayberry, so the clock is ticking. Loudly. We’ll see how it goes.
And because no August Snippets would be complete without me bugging you about something, please vote for Sarah Kate in the Most Beautiful Eyes contest! And since I’m already repeating myself (and in case you missed it earlier this week), my ebook is now available for Kindle!
Have a great one!
This post was inspired by and is linked to Conversion Diary‘s 7 Quick Takes.
Be very careful using nasal sprays they are addictive.
we used nasonex for Rachel for close to year… it did wonders for her until it was time for us to remove her tonsils and adenoids. I would not hesitate to use it again. She also knew it made her “feel better” because she would happily let us spray it in her nose.