Yep, I’m late. Last week I was early. But I have a good excuse! It’s only 7:30 where I am!
Hello from Arizona! I’m out in Tucson sans the fam for a few days. My plane landed at dark and I’ve only emerged from my hotel room briefly for coffee so I haven’t seen much of the city yet. My impression is that it’s really dark here. As in, there don’t seem to be many street lights.
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Speaking of the time zone change, both Mr. Andi and my mom texted me when they got up this morning – at 6:30 and 7:00 am, respectively. Which of course was 4:30 and 5:00 am in Arizona. Grrr…
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Because there’s not enough craziness around Mayberry, Mr. Andi is scheming to get “me” one of these:
because … Mayberry.Wouldn’t we have a grand time running around town in it?
Yes, we would. In an alternate universe where we could afford it and we could be assured that Nathan wouldn’t jump out while we were driving down the road. Scheme, dream… whatever. 🙂
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I am ashamed to admit that I have not yet watched Sharknado. It’s now been over a week and it is still on my DVR. I think I’ve missed the window of acceptable viewing of this pop culture phenomenon.
The ebook is done! I resisted saying anything about it until take #4, which I think demonstrates my exceptional self control. 🙂 Have you downloaded it yet? It’s free and requires nothing from you – get it here. Several of you have already tweeted about it or let me know what you thought about it – THANK YOU! I really want it to be a valuable resource for special needs parents.
Potty Training. Hmmm… it’s going, but I wouldn’t say well. He loves getting M&Ms and uses the potty multiple times a day. Unfortunately, he still isn’t going at school and he is still having multiple accidents each day at home. The clock is ticking and I’m getting nervous…
Have a great one!
This post was inspired by and is linked to Conversion Diary‘s 7 Quick Takes.
Just throwing this out there, feel free to ignore it if you want. I have a friend who potty trained her very difficult 4 1/2 year old by taking him to the store and letting him pick out one toy that he wanted oh so badly, in this case a buzz lightyear toy. It was explained to him that he could play with the toy when he went potty/poo but then if he missed his opportunity it went on the shelf for him to look at. Once again successful he would get it back. He wanted to play with Buzz so bad that it only took a few days and he got to keep him always.
I haven’t tried this myself as my kiddos were older when she did it but it worked for her for all three kiddos after that one. Maybe it’ll work for Nathan too?
Hmmm… maybe. The trick would be figuring out what would motivate him that much. He’s so easygoing that I’m not sure there’s any “one thing” that would do the trick. I’ll think on it.
I am amazed that you have so much on your plate and still have time to update such a well written blog! We use to live in Tucson so even though its impossibly hot there, try to soak in some views of the mountains and a sunset.
We are going through the potty training here too.. I wish I had advice but we have hit a dead end ourselves. I look forward to hearing what ends up working for Nathan!