Sun-Beams is a collection of links to stories, articles, photos, or videos I have come across that I believe will inspire, inform, or encourage you, as well as my favorite photo posted on my other blog, Violet Film, from the past week.
Miss America Contestant Looks To Spotlight Disabilities – Beauty meets substance
Cerebral palsy surgery stands test of time, study shows – Good news for those of us who took a chance on selective dorsal rhizotomy for our kids
Cerebral palsy finance genius set to be new brain behind Rangers reveals climb to success – I love this article simply because of the headline – he’s a genius and the CP is only the descriptor
Don’t Stare: Acknowledge the person first, not the disability – A good reminder for us all
A Home for Cerebral Palsy Children – Interesting due to its setting – Nigeria – and the cultural opposition. We are blessed in this country, my friends.
Organ Transplants, Medical Ethics, and Children – In the case of Sarah Murnaghan, justice wasn’t blind.
I had the opportunity to see this amazing camp in action this weekend and it brought me to tears to see these kids get this amazing opportunity. Thought it would be something you liked.