First things first – Google Reader is going away effective July 1. Probably everyone knows this already, but just in case you’re subscribed to the blog via RSS and are a serious procrastinator, consider yourself “nudged”. I’ve been using Feedly for several weeks and I’m very happy with it – I was able to import from Google Reader and then switch over to Feedly’s cloud service. Easy peasy!
So if you’ve been procrastinating – chop chop! And of course … if you aren’t already subscribed, click one of the boxes above my head over there on the left to get all my posts by RSS or email.
Thanks for all of the suggestions for summer TV shows last week. I’m going to check (most of) them out, but after the news broke about the death of James Gandolfini, I checked our OnDemand and guess what? All of the episodes of The Sopranos are available! Were you a fan of the show?
Because I know you’re dying to know (HA!), here’s a potty update. After a strong showing last week, this week it is Not. Going. Well. Whereas last week he willingly plopped down on the potty whenever I asked – I only needed something to keep him there – now he doesn’t even want to sit on the potty, and he makes that fact known in dramatic fashion.
No, it’s not as bad as all that. I’m not forcing him. He also an uncanny ability to sit on the potty for long periods of time without doing anything … only to do something within 45 seconds of standing up. In fact, one such incident this week involved a squat and a BM under my watchful gaze before I could get to him to help him pull his underwear up.
And if you had Tuesday in the underwear pool, pat yourself on the back.
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What do you do with old custom-made medical equipment like AFOs, knee immobilizers, etc.? We re-gifted Sarah Kate’s gait trainer, canes, etc., but not everything can be reused by someone else. I always feel weird throwing them out – they weren’t cheap! – but they’re also usually kind of disgusting by the time she outgrows them so … not something you can put in a shadowbox and hang on the wall.
I did keep Sarah Kate’s very first pair of braces, though. I think they’re adorbs.
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Speaking of braces, we have come full circle. Sarah Kate got new ones a few weeks ago, and this time she eschewed the Tweety Birds for something a bit more understated – and they’re the exact same color and strap combination as her very first pair. The strap is one black sheep in a line of white sheep. Adorbs!
But the size difference is amazing.
What do you get if you combine two fully-charged Roombas, a three-year-old boy, and a neurotic schnoodle alone in a small laundry room with the door closed?
Answer: a level of chaos that has few equals in the realm of stay-at-home motherhood.
When I floated the idea on Tuesday of having one (or two or three) of you be a beta reader for my upcoming (FREE!) eBook, I was crossing my fingers that I’d get one person to volunteer. I was amazed to see the responses coming in after the post went live! But I am MOST appreciative of your offers of help – especially knowing that you’ll be able to download it for free soon without having to take the extra step to give me feedback.
I know I said I’d leave the form up for several days, but because I’ve had such a good response and it’s almost review-ready, I’m going to pull the form down at the end of today instead (probably actually first thing tomorrow morning – it’s not like I’m going to stay up until midnight to make one tiny tweak to a blog post). 🙂
If you’re interested and haven’t yet responded, go here and fill out the form. I’ll contact the “lucky” readers (though I’m not sure how lucky you’re gonna feel…) before the weekend’s out.
Have a great one!
This post was inspired by and is linked to Conversion Diary‘s 7 Quick Takes.
(3) Do you make him clean up his own puddles/wet clothes? Focusing on keeping the clothes dry might be better than struggling with sitting on the potty. In my house we also have a rule that the potty must be visited before watching TV, which also helps.
(4) and (5) Those ARE adorable! I love the “standing out from the crowd” statement with the sheep.
(6) We need a video!!!!
I haven’t yet, because he hasn’t made that many messes – he’s wearing the training pants with the thicker crotch so small amounts of pee don’t go all the way through. I’m not up for letting him clean up the poo yet. 😛
Don’t hold your breath on the video. I’m not willing to repeat, LOL!
Some hospitals use to take old AFOs to be remolded and used on good will trips for other people. But, as I understand it, many places have stopped doing that since it’s now more cost effective & better for the wear-er to not have hand me down AFOs. I still have a few of mine, but not many. Things involving padding, wedges, immobilizers, break down and start to loose structural integrity. So ditch those.
Your least creative friend’s suggestion (mine in case you were wondering) is to fill those braces with dirt and plant a flower or vine in them. Yeah, I know… pretty pitiful creativity!!! 🙂