Let’s have some fun on this Monday morning!
I’ve got a poll up over on my Facebook page and I’d love it if you’d help a sister out by heading over and selecting one of the following four statements. Three of the statements are true; one is a lie. Can you identify the lie?
- Individuals with CP have a shorter life expectancy than those without CP.
- Individuals with CP cost, on average, an additional 1 million dollars during their lifetime.
- CP gets better once you reach adulthood.
- Not every case of CP is the same; in fact, it’s quite individualized.
The poll will be open until 8pm ET on Monday and I’ll share the results (and why I’m asking!) later this week. Check it out here.
The third one. I know too many adults with CP to believe that.
Third one is definitely the lie, my CP has gotten SO MUCH WORSE in adulthood (I can’t believe I can call myself an “adult” at 20 years old). But the thing is I believe #1 is a lie too, at least in most cases – individuals with severe impairment that can impair eating and sometimes breathing (severe scoliosis can restrict the rib cage, making breathing difficult) may have a shorter life expectancy but on the whole that’s not true at all. And honestly? I really really don’t like the way you phrased #2 and I’m probably going to get a lot of haters for this. But to say “Individuals with CP cost, on average, an additional 1 million dollars during their lifetime” implies that individuals with CP are burdens because of the high cost (not to mention that it kind of sounds like you’re buying an individual with CP like you buy a car :P). Yes, the equipment and procedures we may need are expensive, but WE are not expensive – just as YOU as a nondisabled person are not expensive because of the various procedures and such YOU may need in your lifetime. Dental care, medical care – all that is expensive for a NON-DISABLED person. I resent the implication that people like me cost our families millions of dollars.
Interesting, Cara…I’m sorry if I offended you with my word choice. The thing is…it wasn’t my word choice. 🙂 I’ll fill you and the rest of my readers in later this week what this was all about it.
Thanks Andi 🙂 I’m excited to find out!