Sun-Beams is a collection of links to stories, articles, photos, or videos I have come across that I believe will inspire, inform, or encourage you, as well as my favorite photo posted on my other blog, Violet Film, from the past week.
People with intellectual disabilities get push – Postsecondary education for people with intellectual disabilities in Georgia
Boy Scout with cerebral palsy becomes an Eagle Scout – ….at age 43! Talk about perseverance!
Lexington man pretends to be mentally handicapped for donations – What the he!! is wrong with people?
And finally, a video about Tim Harris of Tim’s Place. I’ve mentioned him here before, but I couldn’t pass on posting this fun video.
Andi, I Love. This. Picture. This is Sarah Kate to a T (and Lord, doesn’t she look more like “Mr. Andi” every day)! I can’t tell you how she inspires me.