I have always loved Legos, but I love them even more now. Click to watch.
Mr. Andi is gonna be tasered. Video of the event is forthcoming.
Despite my sinus infection and the record heat and humidity in Florida, I did run the Walt Disney World Marathon. I’m sure you don’t want to read a bunch of navel gazing about my wretched performance, but you guys stuck with me through my pity party last Thursday, so I owe you at least a few details. I gave it all I had for the first 15 miles, but knew at that point that I wasn’t going to maintain the pace I needed for a 4:45 finish. I slowed down for the next five miles, thinking I still had a chance at a personal record, but at 20 I was barely on that pace and knew I’d never be able to hold it for six more miles, so at that point I dropped way back and just trotted to the finish. My time was 5:20.
We’re starting potty training. I have no idea what I’m doing, and am open to suggestions. If the blog begins to suffer in the coming weeks, you’ll know why. Assuming you notice.
To keep myself from going crazy during potty training, I’m going to look at the Most Adorable Wedding Photo Ever. The bride is our babysitter, Sarah Kate’s former CCD teacher, and former PT assistant. You know who the little guy is. Don’t miss the groom.
Sometimes it’s hard to wrap my head around the plight of orphaned children with special needs in other countries, even as my heart breaks for them. I encourage you – no, I BEG you – to read this story about a little boy named Kirill. Do it now.
And of course…don’t forget to continue to pray for Jennifer Fulwiler. You can follow her progress and updates by visiting Conversion Diary.
Have a great weekend!
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This post was inspired by and is linked to Conversion Diary‘s 7 Quick Takes.
I have used Azrin & Foxx’s method on all 5 of my children. It worked perfectly on 3 of them, at ages between 22 and 30 months. Of the others, one decided to get all “terrible twos” on me and was back in diapers full time until he was almost 3, and one had sensory integration issues and wasn’t out of daytime diapers until kindergarten.
Please provide more info on #2 ASAP
When it came to training son…I dumped it on husband too many things I knew nothing about!!
Wow. Thanks for linking Kirill’s story. So desperately sad. We need to sort out the evil and greed in the hearts of those in charge.
Potty training terrifies me. I’m going to have to learn from your experience!
Congrats on finishing the marathon!! Fabulous accomplishment no matter the pace!!
As for potty training…with my daughter it meant putting panties on her and she was done (well there’s a bit more but it’s irrelevant and probably TMI for a response here, but no accidents whatsoever save one when the panties first went on). My son was a whoooollleee different story. The biggest problem seemed to be he didn’t want to stop what he was doing to go! More accidents than I can remember standing in front of the toilet or at the bathroom door! UGH. I’d start by bringing him to the bathroom every 15 minutes even if he says he doesn’t have to go or even if he just went! LOL
Good luck!