Today is Sarah Kate’s last day of school for the summer. I know it’s cliche’ to say it, but I can’t believe I am about to have a fourth grader! My baby’s growing up! Where did the time go?!? Actually, I do think those things but for the most part I’m good with it. I think I’m mostly happy that we seem to have the tough years (cerebral palsy/therapy-wise) behind us…just in time for puberty! Woot!
Super Special Soccer Saturday was a hit! As I said last week, Sarah Kate’s success in softball took a little bit of the shine off the special soccer, but she had a good time so that’s what matters. Another girl from her school, Emmalyn, came and they pretty well tore it up. 🙂
Mr. Bill, Sarah Kate’s adaptive P.E. coach who sponsors Super Special Soccer Saturday, is putting together a Super Special Summer Bowling group over the summer. At first I thought we’d try it, but then it dawned on me: why do we need to do that? Can’t we just go bowling on our own?
Of course, that would require me to actually be willing to set foot in a bowling alley. I hate bowling. Unless it’s on the Wii, and then I’m golden. By the way, did you know that if you “drop” the ball behind you in Wii bowling all the little Miis watching you squeal and jump? Yeah, don’t ask me how I know that.
Speaking of summer, I really want to do some fun things with Sarah Kate this year. So many of our summers in the past have been consumed with three-week long intensive PT sessions, infant brothers, and/or other Things That Interfere With Summer Fun, and I want to change that this year. Plus two days a week Nathan will be in preschool for four hours (Woot!) so Sarah Kate and I will be able to do some fun things without him.
Any ideas? I’m all ears.
Okay, so I don’t want to be starting rumors (especially if they aren’t true), but… Target has featured children with Down syndrome in their ads before, so I’m going to go out on a limb here. I received a summer ad this week in my mail box and spotted this adorable kiddo:
So tell me what you think – is he a “buddy” or not?
Thanks to everyone who commented on yesterday’s post about therapy. I believe we’re going to take a break for the summer and regroup when the new school year starts. I think it’ll be good for all of us to step back for a little while.
When Mr. Andi was driving to his Alabama Council for Developmental Disabilities meeting last week, he happened to catch a preacher on the radio who has cerebral palsy. He listened for a little while and then called me to share this little nugget: Don’t whine, shine!
Sometimes life really CAN be boiled down to a rhyming platitude.
Have a great weekend!
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he is, in fact, a buddy! 🙂
I’m a little confused about this week’s linky. Any thoughts?