Sun-Beams is a collection of links to stories, articles, photos, or videos I have come across that I believe will inspire, inform, or encourage you, as well as my favorite photo posted on my other blog, Violet Film, from the past week.
Inspiration in a bass boat – “I don’t think he realizes he’s got a disability” – a story about a man who believed.
Keeping an Open Heart – I love Courtney Heigele’s blog, Pudge and Biggs, with her helpful tips and stories about the antics of her two preschoolers with Down syndrome. I’ve linked to her story “Ties That Bind” before, but this post is one of the most beautiful things I’ve read in a long time.
‘She’s our little fighter’ – More proofs that doctors – even specialists – don’t know nearly everything about disability and long-term outlooks.
Down’s syndrome stem cells used to model Alzheimer’s – Just one more reason why the Down syndrome population is valuable to society: research
VIDEO: the story of Ben Comen, a cross country runner with cerebral palsy. It’s a little over eight minutes long, but worth every second. His story is familiar to me – in many ways, he is an older version of Sarah Kate. If you’ve been following us for any length of time, you’ll know why.
Photo of the Week:
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Thanks for sharing Ben’s story…I had seen it awhile ago, but enjoyed it again. And cried again…when his friends would come back to run with him. And because my son is also named Ben. This gives me hope…as my Ben just had SDR surgery 4 weeks ago.
I showed the video to Sarah Kate and she was encouraged by it. She said that having his friends come back to run with him reminded her of her friend Marshall who did the same thing last spring at a local 1-mile fun run. I wrote about it here: