I’ve been pinned! Melissa at Momcomm.com posted a tip this week about how you could check to see if your site had been shared on Pinterest. I already knew that PediaStaff had pinned my blog, but I figured that would be it. Much to my surprise, I’ve been pinned multiple times. A couple of the pins were of the DIY camera strap, and another “loved” the Seven Snippets Friday icon. Who knew?
I think it’s about time for a toddler bed for Nathan. He’s not climbing out…yet, but he’s close. I’m resisting as long as possible because once the bars are gone, it’s all over. The crib is my one remaining sanctuary on weekdays until he starts preschool.
Speaking of preschool, I’ve narrowed it down to two places. One has a more flexible schedule (including an occasional extended day if I needed it), but it’s kind of out of the way and not really near…well, anything (which is to say, it’s a long way from Target, Publix, and Chick-fil-A). The other one is in town, but the hours and options for days are firm. They also have multiple classes for twos (younger and older). Both locations have a summer program (Hallelujah!)
I, of course, am paralyzed by indecision, because that’s the way I roll.
Remember two weeks ago when I said Nathan’s Early Intervention services were being cut back? Well, I should have held my tongue. After a few emails and one phone call, we are back on track with the same schedule we’ve had for most of the last almost-two years.
Today is Mr. Andi’s and my anniversary. Sixteen years. What are we doing to celebrate? Um, nothing. He’s coming home from work early so that I can hit the road for the weekend in Jacksonville, Florida sans kiddos. I think I’m looking forward to being alone in the car for several hours more than anything else.
So why am I driving to Jax and leaving Mr. Andi to fend for himself with the tiny ones on our anniversary weekend? It’s the fifth annual running of the breast cancer marathon (and half marathon and marathon relay), and I’m running the half marathon in honor of my friend, Michele, who recently completed chemo and is recovering from her mastectomy right now. By publishing this snippet in advance of the race, I’m gambling that she won’t be reading the blog this weekend, as she doesn’t know I’m running.
Remember the poo post from a few weeks back? I know, I know – no one could forget those disturbing images. A loyal reader (a.k.a., “Uncle Mike”) sent me two images from penny postcards.com that clearly show that poo play is not a new phenomenon.
Have a great weekend!
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Happy Anniversary. Enjoy your trip without the kidlets.
Happy Anniversary to Mr. Andi and You. I have pinned you on my Pinterest board. I so love going on it. I actually made a comment on someone’s board because they had something pinned as funny a “r” seal. So I clearly explained my views on the word and here is the response I received: “I actually have a really good friend with a daughter who has down syndrome. Maybe you should focus on what the word retarded is directed to in circumstances, instead of judging everyone who uses the word. It’s only offensive if you use is offenssively.” I just am in shock of her comment especially because of her friend. I still have not responded to her comment, because every time I start to type my response I get so angry. I guess my question for her is when are those times the “r” is not offensive.
Have a great weekend! Enjoy the quite time, we don’t get that to enough.
There are times that, in my opinion, the r-word isn’t offensive, but those are few and far between, and limited to clinical-type situations (though even in those instances, its use is outdated and I don’t care for…it’s just not offensive.
What your pinner fails to realize is the power that language has. I’m offended when someone uses that word, BUT…that’s not the most important reason for other people not to use it. Language like the r-word, just like the n-word and other slurs, devalues people. I wrote a post about the power of language here:
and also explaining that it’s not about political correctness here:
Your pinning acquaintance may not care to read, and may not want to hear it, but it’s out there for anyone who has a willingness to consider another position.
Thank you for your article. I have read it before and I did post the comment for that person to check out the article.