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Nathan is walking! Which, of course, means he is destroying things at a much more rapid pace than before. Exhibit A: action shot during the brief window of time that I was on the phone with a friend on Wednesday.
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So I’m wondering how much longer this Santa gig is gonna last. When I was a third grader, I knew The Secret, but my parents were divorced so I didn’t quite buy the whole Santa-leaves-stuff-at-both-houses thing. Plus one Christmas when I was in either first or second grade, I wasn’t allowed to get up because Santa wasn’t quite ready. I know kids often want to get up way earlier than they should on Christmas morning, but it was after daylight, people!
Sarah Kate has never had a really healthy personal connection to Santa, anyway.
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Speaking of the jolly ol’ guy, I’m pretty excited about one of the presents he is giving Sarah Kate this year. The Wii Just Dance people have ABBA You Can Dance out now. Oh. My. Stars. We LOVE us some ABBA in the Sligh house – even Mr. Andi. Mamma Mia! has been on our DVR since summer 2010 and we have no plans to delete it. Sarah Kate has the entire Gold album on her iPod.
Don’t judge us.
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I’m excited about Nathan’s PT coming today. She was last here two weeks ago and he wouldn’t walk for her At. All. He better do it today. Seriously.
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My blogging friend, Shasta Kearns Moore of Outrageous Fortune, has written a book! It’s not a memoir or nonfiction piece about cerebral palsy or special needs – it’s a novella! A Twist of Fate is the story of three identical women from different corners of the world who are suddenly switched into each other’s lives. Check out the excerpt on her blog and then add it to your e-reader (only $2.99 on Kindle!
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So if you were paying attention to the news this week, you probably saw that the NTSB has called for a nationwide ban not just on texting, but on using phones – even with hands free devices – while driving. Their rationale is that a distracted driver is a dangerous driver.
Do they also recommend banning kids from riding in cars with their moms? Because that would help me with my distracted-ness, but it sure would make it difficult to make those therapy appointments.
And finally, a serious note: Electric utility work is very dangerous – often, crews work 12,000 volt lines “hot” so that businesses don’t have to close and people aren’t inconvenienced. Mr. Andi is head of the electric department here, and one of his linemen came in contact with a line while working it hot yesterday in downtown Mayberry. He survived, thanks to the quick reaction of two men who were working with him, but is in intensive care across the bay, with barely a week to go until Christmas. So if you’re reading this blog post, it’s made possible by the fact that you have a computer powered (or smartphone charged) with electricity. Thank an electric lineman!
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I would never judge you! I love ABBA too! And seriously, that picture of Nathan’s path of destruction is awesome 🙂
And it doesn’t even show the whole path – he started at Mr. Andi’s vanity. I just couldn’t get the whole scene in the frame!