Both of the kids left on Saturday to visit their grandparents in Memphis. They’ll be gone until next Saturday. Yep, that’s right – a whole week with no munchkins. Most SAHMs would take that opportunity to call friends for lunch, curl up with a book, or head to the beach to relax, but not I! Because I’m a geek, I took advantage of the tax-free weekend and bought a new iMac.
I can run Lightroom, Photoshop, Firefox, and a bunch of other stuff AT THE SAME TIME!
I spent the better part of the weekend catching up on email, making changes to the blog that have been on my to-do list for awhile, and organizing photos in Lightroom. Sitting in my cloffice, I worked at my usual quick pace with my ears ever vigilant for the sounds of a waking toddler.
Wait…there are no sleeping children here.
When I ventured into the kitchen for a snack, I traveled softly, careful not to make any sudden loud noises, so that I wouldn’t wake the baby.
What are you thinking? There’s no baby in the house.
Mr. Andi came home from fishing and told me he wanted to wash his boat. I was planning to run some errands, so my mind immediately started to calculate how we could both do our thing outside the house, without leaving Nathan unsupervised. But then it hit me that I was free to go and do whatever I wanted, without the need to check with Mr. Andi first.
This is weird. I feel a little…naked.
I’ve left Nathan before – several times, in fact, but this weekend was the first time that he left me. When I was separated from him before, I was either on vacation with Mr. Andi at Walt Disney World, or at a meeting or conference where I was busy and each day was booked solid. Each of those times, my parents came to help out and I would check in periodically to see if everything was going fine.
Being in the house with no plan, no structure, and no one calling my name has freaked me out a little bit. I don’t know what to do with myself. I’m torn between an intense desire to Make Hay While the Sun Shines! because a clear calendar and an empty house are rare, and an equally intense desire to sit on my arse and do nothing at all Just Because I Can.
What would you do with an empty nest for a few days?
enjoy! I have a few minutes to myself during the day when the sitter has all three kids (because she’s a better person than I)– I usually clean, read emails, read twitter or shop for furniture we don’t need. Please don’t do any of those!
be well,
I have never been away from both boys for more than a few hours if Jim takes them shopping or to the park. I can imagine you feel naked- LOL. Congrats on the iMac!! I would catch up on the 8 months of business expenses that I have not entered into Quickbooks….yes I know that is awful. I have them very nicely organize though. Have a great week and I am sure you are calling them 5 times a day:)
Enjoy the peace and quiet and enjoy the fact that they will soon be safely back with you and Mr Andi.
what a sweet blog! Glad I found you through twitter:)