The word to describe the driver who cut you off is: inconsiderate.
The word to describe the way that you tripped and fell is: clumsy.
The word to describe the request that your boss made is: ridiculous.
The word to describe the joke you thought wasn’t very funny is: silly.
The word to describe the camera you couldn’t get to work right is: defective.
I know that when you use ret-rd(ed) in your everyday speech that you aren’t thinking about me or my son. But when you use the r-word in casual conversation, it is never a compliment, and it is an insult to individuals with intellectual disabilities. Always.
Using the r-word is hurtful.
Using the r-word is lazy.
Using the r-word is disrespectful.
Using the r-word is offensive.
Using the r-word shows that you don’t value people with intellectual disabilities or their families.
Using the r-word reveals that you are a snob. That you are think you are better than other people.
When you use the r-word, you reveal who you really are. In living color, you open the curtain and proudly display your own personal defects. Your inability to love unconditionally. Your lack of compassion. Your ignorance.
This is my son.
He is beautiful.
He is loving.
He is playful.
He is valuable.
He is smart.
He is not defective.
He is not a retard.
For more information on the Spread the Word to End the Word campaign, please visit
Oh Andi, you just made me cry! You do have a special family. Special in the way that you are all giving, caring and loving. Thanks for letting me be a small part of your lives!
My favorite is asinine, which is what I think people who casually use the r-word or make short bus jokes are.
Good Point! Your son is so handsome!
Very well said, Andi. Nathan is all those good words and more. So is Sarah Kate. I love you and your family and I love the way you write about the children. You have touched my heart so many times with your words. Thank You!
Love this (and hate it at the same time – think you know what I mean). Well said about the power of words. My thoughts exactly.
Fantastic post. And I love that picture. Thank you for speaking out.
Another fantastic post!!!!
Beautiful. Well said!
LOVE this!
Amen! Perfectly said!
Beautifully put!
I realized several years ago that the "r-word" was offensive and showed that I was ignorant and stupid. So I fought hard to remove it from my vocabulary. It's hard to stop that kind of habit. I'm totally proud to say that I did get rid of it. I never say it anymore. It's something we should all fight to do.
Here from trdc.
Brilliant and good for you for taking a stand! That word is used so loosely and without much thought, but it's impact is both hurtful and demeaning.
Your little boy is beautiful. Oh, those eyes.
He is gorgeous!!!!
This is the most influential most I've read in a long time. I stumbled across your story while I was researching for a persuasive speech I'm doing for my public speaking class. My topic is, "Why we shouldn't use the word retard."
I just wanted to tell you how amazing I think you are for this post. It is exactly what I've been looking for in regards to my research. I admire to your bravery and commitment to your beautiful children!
Thank you for this post!
I'm so glad that it was helpful, and I'm especially happy to hear that you are doing a speech on something that is so important to me. Please feel free to come back anytime or email me directly at doubledoseofspecial(at)gmail(dot)com.
thats a great point. I dont know what it is like to live with a mentally challenged person but i feel for you. have you ever seen the SOREN PALUMBO you tube video? if not you should check that out. i saw it in my class and it proves a big point.
I totally agree and I think it is wrong to be mean to people who are different from ourselves. I’ve never said or used the R-word and I never intend to. Good Luck to Nathan and his family, shame on those who discriminate others.
-Emily M
i thin that we should stop saying the r-woerd and ask and help other people to stop saying the r-word because that is just plain out mean and offfensive
I have learned from this that calling any one the r-word your makeing fun of people who have mental disorders who are people too and have feelings like the rest of us
I think you are right because my best friend Elizabeth has a brother who is disable so thanks you
It took me a while to figure out how I was going to comment. But now I finally know. That poem has touched me and reached farther then i thought my little heart could ever take. My mother is different so I can relate, by understanding the words people call others may not be about that one person personally but it seems like it to me because I see all the men and women like my mom as if they are her. Before my teacher ever showed me that video I never thought so much about the words ive been saying. But now because of you my life has been changed in a good way. I am in this for anyone now and will always remember Andi and her sons story that I can asure didn’t just touch me but touched many others. Thank you for the amazing story! -Katharine C.
and the thing is that they are people just like you and me
When I read your article, I learned that you should choose your words carefully and think before you speak. My parents have always told me that the word “retarded” is an awful word and I should never use it, now I understand even better why I don’t use that word. I know that everyone deserves to be treated fairly and we are all part of God’s family.
i have heard the r-word to casually and i feel that you described what is what the truth is.Well done.
I think you made a huge statement on this article because you just said alot of things that really wanted me to keep reading about your family. I really got when you said The rword is very disrespectful. I have a cousin that has dounsindrum to so I get exsactly what you are trying to say. I just don’t think that the people who say that your son is a r-tard they don’t get that your son is the same as them he just has a dissability. And your son did not choose to be disabled. Andi Just rember your so is just the same as us he still has feelings. Keep trying to tell people how bad the r word is. You really inspire me.
I thought what you said took alot of courage but it was the right thing to do. I think everyone should be treated fairly.
I was very moved by your article. No one should ever use the r-word because it is so hurtful. It shouldn’t be in our vocabulary.
your words made me think of what I say to other people. They tell me to think before I say something. They are truly words to live by!
What you have said has moved me. I don not have any relatives with any mental handicaps but I do know plenty of people who don’t get treated fairly because of something they can’t help. I will definitely never use the r-word and I will tell my fiends and family not to use that word either. It just goes to show that the littles acts can go a long way.
I completely agree with your judgement of the r-word. It is a terrible and stupid word. I try not to use it as much as possible. It is wrong to insult someone who can’t help the fact that they’re different. At first I thought I would treat what I am saying as a normal statement, but now I find myself treating it as a personal standard, and I hope everyone else is too.
I agree with you so much that people should stop calling others the r-word. I believe that we should teach people to not say the r-word at all. Your article is very inspiring.
I agree with your artical i think that anyone who uses the r-word does not know who it effects and what it actually means.i think that telling people how it makes you feel and how much it can hurt a person really matters and i feel really bad because i use to use the r-word like any other word and now i know that what i say can affect someone you really made a difference and have changed my point of veiw.
I completely agree. You should treat the mentally challenged like normal people. I see people make fun of kids like your son. I believe it is completely wrong. And the r-word shouldn’t be a word at all. I hope everyone out there is ashamed of making fun of people like Nathan. Your son never even asked for this. I hope your son is cured one day. I have Diabetes and I never asked for it. You have truly inspired me. Thank you. I also hope your son is doing well.
I am glad someone as inspirational as you is out there. I read this to my mom and sisters and everyone was so touched and started crying. I don’t know why people discrimate against anyone who is different-especially the mentally handicapped. I don’t how this makes anyone feel good or bring pleasure to them. I think you have such an adorable son and he is so cute. I am feeling bad about everytime I have ever called anyone a mean name or the r-word. My sisters are always telling me not to judge people and I totally agree with them. You have inspired me to be a better person in so many ways and I truly can’t thank you enough for how much you’ve changed my life and touched me.♥
i tottaly agree with you Mary Kate
i agree with you too Mary Kate
I think the r-word is a very bad word. No one should ever say it, and I know I never will. I think that menatally challenged people should be treated the same way as everybody else. I think this a very good website you made and lots of people…..the whole entire world should see it):)
I have never used the r-word and never want to. It is rude, offensive, and just plain mean.
Mentally challenges children and adults are human beings like ourselves. Just because they are a little different, does not mean they don’t have feelings, and can not be hurt by cruel words. They are very sweet, loving, and kind. They do not deserve all of the hate immature people give them.Her son is like all other kids out there, and should be treated like it.
I don’t see how some people can use this this word without thinking about how offensive it is. If you are going to call someone stupid (which is bad enough) don’t call them this. It is completely uncalled for. It is not a necessary word at all and in our current day in age, it should be gone. People with mental handicaps are just as good-if not better-than us. Just because someone was born with a disability, it is not their fault, and they should be treated just like us.
You have really inspired me.
Just becaus somemeone is mentaly challenged does not mean that they are not people. They do not deserve to be called the cruel name that some people say. I really love your article and strongly agree that the rword is disrespectful and immature.
i do not know what it feels like to have someone mentally challanged in my family but i feel for you.sometimes i hear the r -word and i don’t like hearing it. it is very disrespectful
i do not know what it is like to have a mentally challenged sibling but i know what it is like to be laughed at. i hope no one uses the r-word at my school again. i also feel bad for the mentally challenged.
Trick or Treat: People with Down Syndrome Look the Same
I never thought about how much an r-word can mean to someone. I have never called someone an r-word but now I know how much people get treated meanly. I don’t think God created people who are disabled to be treated with disrespect and badly.
marykate i so agree with you your words were so inspiring
also i have a brother with down syndrom and that is exacly how i feel
You are right using the r word is wrong
You are so right. Mentally challenged people can’t help that they’re that way. I know someone who’s brother has down syndrome and he is the sweetest boy. It hurts their feelings when they hear the r-word. It makes them feel bad about themselves. You can give them encouragement by giving them lots of love everyday. They deserve it.
i think that everyone who heard or read these words came to a conclusion. the r-word is wrong. it puts down someone and their self-esteem. It makes the person feel insecure. it doesn’t let the person’s true self shine through. i feel sad and disappointed when some people look at a mentally challenged person and give them weird looks or stare at them longer than a glance. i hate it especially when people walk quickly by them like they have a deadly diesease and they can’t catch it. Some people don’t relize what they are doing for the person and how terrible it is. they are saying, without words, that they are an outcast. i have been so lucky to work with many mentally disabled people. they are people with feelings and extrodinary talents. NOT outcasts. sure, they may not be able to do things like myself. but they are my friends and i love them just as my other friends. some people don’t even try to make an effort to make friends with them. they just avoid them. hearing your words and letting people know about them has given me a new perspectave. whenever i hear the word, i’ll remember to stop it. i know many others will find your words just as inspiring as i did.
i agree with all that you said and it is inspiring for me. you have said the words that most of us have been thinking for a long time.
I agree with enery body that the r- word is mean and every person should be treated fairly.
i think the r word is very hurtful to everyone ,especially to your son. Many people use this word without thinking of people that are mentally handicapped. also this word can change people lives by hurting their feelings on the outside and on the inside.